Tuesday, September 11, 2012

NTFS Alternate Data Streams

While I was reading Counter Hack Reloaded I was somewhat "floored" when I got to the section about information hiding. I've worked with Windows in an enterprise environment for the last 12 years and I have never heard of NTFS Alternate Data Streams. I had no idea that it existed in NTFS and especially the way it can be used to hide data. As the wiki says, ADS allows more than one data stream to be associated with a filename using the format "filename:streamname". This information isn't listed in Windows Explorer and the stream's size isn't included in the file's size.

I'm going to try and go through some steps on using ADS to hide information.

First, I will create a text file named "host.txt" with some information in it using the following command:
echo "Stuff" > host.txt

Now I will create another text file named "evil.txt" that contains the data that I want to hide:
Echo "Evil Stuff" > evil.txt

Ok so now we have 2 files, one just normal and the other one theoretically has some bad stuff in it.

Now if you execute "type host.txt" or "type evil.txt" you can see that text appended to the end of each file.

Let's hide evil.txt in a stream in host.txt now.
type evil.txt > host.txt:evil.txt

The command executes and it looks like nothing has changed. Except for the date modified.

Now let's delete evil.txt just for good measure.
del evil.txt

Now let's see if we can view the evil.txt contents that is hidden in a stream in host.txt
more < host.txt:evil.txt

There it is, nice and hidden.

Ok so that is hiding text data, what about executables? Can you put an executable in an alternative stream and execute that? Let's try.

Let's compile a simple little C program named ads.exe to execute.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
   printf("Bad stuff just happened\n");
   return 0;

The simple output is:

Now let's hide that in the host.txt file
type ads.exe > host.txt:ads.exe
Once again, nothing looks like it has changed with the host.txt file.

Now delete ads.exe
Del ads.exe

Let's try to execute the ads.exe stream.
start .\host.exe:ads.exe

I am unable to get this to execute on Windows 7 using the 'start' command. Let's try using the 'wmic' command to start a process.
wmic process call create d:\ads\host.txt:ads.exe


Let's try on an XP box I have using the 'start' command.


No that we've see how alternate data streams can be created, let's quickly look at a program that can be used to detect these streams.

There are quite a few out on the Internet but the one we will look at is Streams from Microsoft. You can download it and unzip it into a directory.

Doing a quick:
Streams /?

Shows a pretty simple syntax. I'll run it on the host.txt file to see what it shows.

Streams host.txt

This has 3 streams attached to it: ads.exe, ads.ps1, and evil.txt. The ads.ps1 was just something I toyed around with Powershell, you can ignore it.

This is just a quick sampling of what Alternate Data Streams are, how to create them, and just one application out there that can be used to detect. I have found these streams to be very interesting and is definitely something I will keep an eye on and do a little more research into.

Until next time….See Ya!